Thanksgiving PYO Cookies

Thanksgiving PYO 2018.jpg

Have you heard of Paint Your Own Cookies? At our house, we affectionately call these PYO cookies (yes, even my 4 year old calls them PYOs) and there is usually much delight, cheering and even a few squeals when my kids discover these cookies. Yes, they are that fun!

Paint Your Own Cookies are sugar cookies that can be, you guessed it, PAINTED! We use food colorings to create paint chips on the sides of cookies. With a paint brush and a little water, you and your kids can create your very own Picasso work-of-art. Best of all, clean up is easy — eat your art, toss the water and wipe up the crumbs.

We do PYO cookies for most holidays and we also offer a handful of cookies for anytime of year. PYOs also make fun birthday party activities. Just imagine your kiddos painting Daniel Tiger, Belle, Lightning McQueen or the Incredibles with their friends. So fun!

This year’s Thanksgiving cookies designs include a Give Thanks Pumpkin (pictured above), Pilgrim Girl or Boy, Pumpkin Pie, and Turkey (pictured above) and are $4/each (paint brush included). Call/text us at 214.886.8188, email us at or click the “Order” button to place your order. Thanksgiving orders are accepted until Saturday, November 23rd.